Legal notice and privacy policy

Bird’s-eye view of the potato field and the facilities at Ferme J. Ouimet.
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Terms of use

Ferme J. Ouimet Inc. (hereinafter, “Ouimet”) welcomes you to its website (hereinafter, the “Site”). These terms of use (hereinafter, the “Terms of Use”) are an integral part of our Site. Please read them carefully before browsing our Site. Please note that by visiting and browsing our Site (i) you agree and acknowledge that you are bound by an indefinite term agreement effective as soon as you start browsing our Site, it being understood that this agreement creates legal obligations; (ii) you agree to and accept all the Terms of Use; (iii) you agree and acknowledge that we reserve the right to change the Terms of Use, all in our sole and absolute discretion and without notice. As you begin browsing our Site, it is your responsibility to ensure that you regularly review the Terms of Use for any changes to the Terms of Use or other policies on the Site; for the avoidance of doubt, the applicable date shall be the date of the last update of the Terms of Use and policies. Finally, in the event that you do not agree with the terms hereof, we ask that you refrain from browsing our Site. It is agreed that the commencement and continued access to and use of this Site constitute your acceptance of the Terms of Use and any changes thereof.
The Terms of Use do not apply to products sold by Ouimet, it being understood that the said Terms of Use apply only to the Site. In addition, the other Ouimet policies applicable to the Site are also available on the Site, including the Privacy Policy. We encourage you to read it.

Intellectual property and terms of use

This Site is the property of Ouimet and is provided as a service to users of the Site. Ouimet reserves the right to modify or amend the Site, add or delete any information or section of the Site, at any time and for any reason.You may visit our Site and, subject to any restrictions or limitations specifically on any element of this Site, make an electronic copy, download or print certain portions of the Site for your own personal use and not for commercial purposes. That being said, Ouimet shall at all times remain the owner of the information appearing on its Site. The name of “Ferme J. Ouimet Inc.”, the logos, designs, illustrations and/or all information presented on the Site shall remain at all times the exclusive property of Ouimet, unless otherwise indicated. The laws and statutes protecting the content of the Site include, but are not limited to, the Copyright Act and/or the Civil Code of Québec.

Limitation of liability

Although Ouimet endeavours to provide the most up‑to‑date and accurate information possible on its Site, errors or omissions may inadvertently occur. For this reason, Ouimet makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy or reliability of the content on its Site.
Under no circumstances shall Ouimet, its directors, shareholders, employees, agents, sellers and/or suppliers be liable, directly or indirectly, for any direct, indirect, special, punitive damages or monetary losses, even if Ouimet has previously been advised of the possibility that they may be claimed, as part of contractual, extracontractual or civil liability proceedings, including with respect to any loss of data, revenue or profits occurring, arising out or resulting from or having any connection whatsoever with the browsing or use of the Site and/or its content or any other site or content accessible via hyperlink. Accordingly, your use of this Site is at your own risk.

Links to other sites

While you browse our Site, Ouimet may provide you with hyperlinks to other websites that are owned and/or operated by third parties, simply for your convenience. As these involve third parties with whom Ouimet has no affiliation, Ouimet has no control over these linked sites, whose personal information collection, security and privacy practices are separate and independent from ours. Accordingly, Ouimet cannot be held responsible for and does not guarantee the accuracy, security, timeliness or completeness of the information contained on these sites. The inclusion of hyperlinks on Ouimet’s Site does not constitute in any way an endorsement of the content of such sites and/or of all the information provided on them.
It is important to note that the addition of hyperlinks on our Site does not imply that Ouimet is assigning and/or appropriating the trademarks, trade names, images, logos, symbols or other copyrighted material displayed on or accessible through such sites or that Ouimet is affiliated with, associated with or contractually associated with such sites.
Given the importance that Ouimet places on the quality of the information it conveys, if you have any comments to make about (i) our Site, (ii) the content of our Site and/or (iii) the hyperlinks contained on the Site, we invite you to contact Ouimet directly and privately, through the designated Privacy Representative referred to in the Privacy Policy, in order to share your comments with us.

Sale of Ouimet products

This Site is not a transactional site. However, to find out the terms and conditions and sales points of our products, we invite you to consult the relevant section for this purpose as you browse our Site.


Ouimet provides no indemnification to users of its Site, even if you suffer any prejudice or if you disagree in any way with the provisions of these Terms of Use; for the avoidance of doubt, the user’s sole remedy is to leave this Site even before starting to browse it. Accordingly, by continuing to browse our Site, you are intrinsically agreeing to the Terms of Use.

User communication

Any comment, reaction, information and/or elements submitted to Ouimet through its Site and/or its social networks (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Communication”) shall be considered non‑confidential in nature. By submitting any Communication, you acknowledge that Ouimet will be free to use all or part of it, without any restriction and/or financial obligation. Furthermore, as a user of the Site, you agree to (i) not impair or damage the Site, (ii) not overload, disturb or hack the Site or alter or modify its source code, (iii) not reformat the Site, and/or (iv) not interfere with the use of the Site by other users.

Governing law

These Terms of Use and the related policies shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable in the Province of Quebec and the laws of Canada applicable therein.


Generally, words and expressions used on this Site retain their common meanings. Furthermore, these Terms of Use must be read in conjunction with the other policies on the Site, the whole in order to form the complete agreement binding users of the Site to Ouimet.

Privacy and cookies policy Ferme J. Ouimet Inc. (Below the “Policy”)

This Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used and shared when you visit (the “Site”).

Personal information collected

When you visit the Site, we automatically collect certain information about your device, including your browsing habits and content preferences. Additionally, as you browse the Site, we collect information about the individual web pages or products you view, the websites or search terms that brought you to the Site, and information about how you interact with the Site. We refer to this automatically collected information as “Device Information.”
We collect your personal information, including when you:
  • provide them on our website, for example by filling out our contact forms. Please note that when you fill out a contact form, your data is recorded on our CMS server which is hosted in the United States and a copy of your data is sent to us by email.
  • browse our website, for example through the use of cookies or other tracking tools.
Here is a list of cookies that we use. We have listed them here so that you have the opportunity to choose whether or not you wish to allow them by using the banners for this purpose when you arrived on our site.
“Log files” track Site activity and collect data such as your IP address, the type of browser you are using, your Internet service provider, your referring and exit pages, and your timestamp data (date and hour).
When we use the term “Personal Information” in this Privacy Policy, we are referring to both Device Information.

How we use your personal information

Generally, we use Information to:
  • communicate with you;
  • where this corresponds to the preferences you have communicated to us, provide you with information or advertisements regarding our products;
  • targeting purposes to create a profile of the website visitor's interests in order to display relevant and personalized Google advertisements;
  • optimize advertisements by measuring their performance to specifically target users, thus improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
We use the Device Information (in particular your IP address) that we collect to assess fraud or risk and, more generally, to improve and optimize our Site (for example, by generating analytics about how our customers browse and interact with the Site and to evaluate the success of our advertising and marketing campaigns).

Sharing your personal information

We share your Personal Information with third parties who help us use it for the purposes described above. We also use Google Analytics to better understand how our customers use the Site – to learn more about Google's use of your Personal Information, please visit: policies/privacy/.
Finally, we may also share your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, respond to a subpoena, search warrant or other legal request for information that we receive, or to protect our rights.

Behavioural advertising

As noted above, we use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing messages that we believe may be of interest to you. To learn more about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) information page at: how-does-it-work.

Your rights

You have a right of access to the personal information we hold about you and you can request that it be corrected, updated or deleted. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us using the contact details provided below.


We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.

Contact us

To learn more about our privacy practices, if you have any questions or if you would like to file a complaint, please contact the Personal Information Protection Manager, Pierre-Olivier Dussault, by email at or by mail to the following address:
189 Rang St-Régis
Saint-Roch-de-L’Achigan, QC
J0K3H0, Canada
Last update on August 2, 2024.
© 2024 Ferme J. Ouimet — All rights reserved
Did you know that
Storing potatoes properly
Keep baby potatoes (creamers) refrigerated to keep them looking their best!
Storing potatoes properly
Store potatoes away from light, moisture, heat and cold.
Tips and tricks
Are you suffering from headaches? Potatoes could help! As one of the foods with the highest potassium content, they’re the perfect support against migraine, which is often caused by a lack of potassium.
Tips and tricks
Do you play sports for fun, or are you an athlete? Potatoes are an excellent source of energy for long‑term efforts. They’re rich in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin C. It also helps replenish glycogen stores in your muscles.
Tips and tricks
Are your boiled potatoes turning black? Plunge them into cold water. They’ll stay beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
Potato gossip
Approximately 150 varieties of potatoes are grown in Canada (according to Agriculture and Agri‑Food Canada).
Potato gossip
China, India and Ukraine are the world’s largest potato producers.
Potato gossip
Alberta is the province with the most significant potato production in Canada.
Potato gossip
Potatoes are fibre‑rich and an excellent source of antioxidants, B vitamins, potassium and manganese for your bones and cartilage.
Potato gossip
The average Canadian eats around 55.9 kg (123.24 lb) of potatoes yearly.
Potato gossip
The Goldrush variety is the most widely grown potato in Quebec.
Potato gossip
Potatoes are lower in calories than pasta and rice. So, please, don’t feel guilty about eating them!
Potato gossip
Potatoes known as “baby potatoes (or creamers)” are not a variety. They are simply small potatoes.
Potato gossip
Potato cooking water can shine up your tarnished stainless steel utensils.
Potato gossip
The potato is the 4th most consumed foodstuff in the world (after corn, wheat and rice).
Potato gossip
Are sweet potatoes not only delicious but also nutritious? They’re rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and E, making them a smart choice for a healthy diet.
Tips and tricks
Is your soup too salty? Add a few cubes of raw potato. They absorb the salt!
Potato gossip
Why is the Russet potato ideal for crispy fries and baked potatoes? Its floury flesh and thick skin make it so!